#README v1 #June 5 2024. #Guillaume Lettre (guillaume.lettre@umontreal.ca) #Description of the CRISPRi + scRNAseq data for regulators of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in erythroid HUDEP-2 cells. #The protocol to generate the data is in Ilboudo et al. Briefly, we used the 10X 5' CRISPR kit to capture gRNA. Then we used CellRanger to link cell barcodes with transcriptome and gRNA unique molecular identifiers (UMIs). We only consider in our analyses cells with gRNA UMI counts >20. Column 1. (10X_CellBarcode). Column 2. (n_nonzero). Number of genes expressed in the cell. Column 3. (n_umiss). Number of gene UMIs sequenced in the cell. Column 4. (p_mito). Percentage of reads that map to genes encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Column 5. (batch). DNA sequencing batch. Columns 6-48. (gRNA identifier). Number of UMIs for each gRNA in each cell. The definition of each gRNA is found in Table S3 of Ilboudo et al. Columns 49-87. (gene names). Number of UMIs for each gene in each cells. Only genes located within 100 kb from the gRNA were considered. See Tables S3 from Ilboudo et al. for details.